The U.S. has worked hard to keep foreigners out. However, a report released by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded that immigration to the U.S. from 1990 to 2010, produced net benefits worth $50 billion a year to the native population. Professor Ricardo Ernst, invites you to go through the suggested readings.
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Additional resources
- Harvard Business Review: ‘Immigrant Doctors Provide Better Care, According to a Study of 1.2 Million Hospitalizations.’ by by Yusuke Tsugawa, Anupam B. Jena, and Ashish K. Jha.
- Forbes: ‘Illegal Immigrants Don’t Lower Our Wages or Take Our Jobs.’ by Art Carden.
- The New York Times: ‘Immigrants Are Replacing, Not Displacing, Workers.’ by Maria E. Enchautegui.
- Forbes: ‘Study Suggests That Immigrant Doctors Provide Better Care Than U.S. Medical Graduates.’ by Bruce Y. Lee.
- The Wall Street Journal: ‘Immigration Does More Good Than Harm to Economy, Study Finds .’ by Jeffrey Sparshott.